Your Child is
in Safe HandsFrequently Asked Questions
We understand you might have questions before booking with us. Here are a few of the questions we get asked most often
Our Services Include:
- Regular Ongoing Child Care
- Casual Child Care Bookings
- Care in Your Accommodation Whilst Visiting
- Child Care for Weddings etc
- Care While You Are at the Conference or Other Special Event
Our Difference:
- Planned Activities for Your Child
- Personalised Approach to Your Child Care Needs
- Special Arrangements for Short and Long Term Care
- The Carer is security checked with Working With Children (WWC) – Dept of Justice, Vic
What is the maximum number of children per carer?
Three children per carer
Is there a minimum hours of care?
Yes, 3 hours minimum care or arrangements can be made for regular care
What hours do you work?
24 hours if required. Before and after school; mornings; afternoons and evenings. Casual and regular child care available
What Type of care is provided
Weddings; special occasions; child care during conferences; most requests catered for, including sick children
Do you provide care of children with special needs?
Yes; we are experienced and proficient in caring for children with special needs.
What checks are made regarding the suitability of the carer to be in the position of carer?
The carer has undergone all mandatory checks and has many years experience in the position of carer.
Is the Carer educated in responding to emergency situations?
Yes the carer is trained in first aid
Contact Us
Phone: 0428 835 156 (Sheryl)
Servicing the Port Fairy & Warrnambool Regions